The mind is extremely powerful and creates reality when aligned with the heart
Your Thoughts Shape Your Reality
Ever wonder why some people seem to have everything while others struggle and suffer? Thoughts are a driving force in shaping our reality, but not just any random thoughts—only when the mind and heart align in coherence do they manifest effectively. This is why pharmaceutical trials undergo rigorous studies comparing a placebo (the mind) to the actual medication (the pill).
Your Past Will Define Your Future Unless You Wake Up
Many people take for granted the experiences they encounter throughout life. From the moment we are born, we learn to speak and walk. However, we are also taught family values and, eventually, the values of the society in which we live in. Waking up and becoming the guardian of our own reality is a responsibility that falls on each of us.
Reality Emerges. It is NOT Random
Classical Newtonian physics has traditionally asserted that everything is independent of one another. However, quantum physics reveals that all particles exhibit some degree of entanglement with each other. Einstein's theory of special relativity established that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light; yet, we now understand that particles can remain entangled even across distances exceeding a million light-years. The universe operates through a continuous feedback mechanism, where all aspects of reality interact with one another to manifest the next instance of reality (i.e., time). There is nothing truly separate in the universe; rather, we are all entangled at some level. The Universe is NOT random but rather highly intelligent. All energy is essentially an information field that self-organizes itself for the next iteration of reality (i.e., emergence).
Outer Intention
Many people believe that if one works diligently, they can achieve anything. While there is some truth to this notion, the reality is that no matter how hard one works, they will only attain limited success and may lead a mediocre life. This limitation arises because one’s mind does not control reality. Instead, it is one’s internal intention, aligned with both mind and heart, that enables the greater intelligence of the Universe to manifest its magic (i.e., Outer Intention). Some refer to this as faith, but it encompasses much more than faith. It is the practice of inner knowing, combined with the ability to let go, that allows the Universe to orchestrate the synchronicities and serendipitous events that fulfill one’s desires effortlessly.
All of life has a natural flow, much like a river. When we let go and flow with life then the Universe takes care of the details. We often hinder ourselves by believing we know better, yet there exists a higher intelligence that is fully connected to everything. When we resist the flow, we splash in the river like a child who is not getting their way. Many professional athletes and entertainers have discovered that to perform at their best, they must enter the “flow state”. This is achieved by relaxing, letting go, and remaining present in the moment.
All of life maintains a state of balance. This is why stars, planets, and galaxies remain in predictable orbits relative to one another. Balance is what the Universe strives for, and when imbalance occurs, external forces intervene to restore equilibrium. Rebalancing can take time due to the nature of matter; however, it always happens. It is far more beneficial for individuals to maintain balance by reducing importance and staying focused on their intentions.
All of life is meant to evolve one’s spirit, and this is the true purpose of one’s lifetime. Life is never a straight line; rather, it is a zigzag of lessons learned to develop one’s soul. Adversity is an inherent part of life, and seeking the good within it enables one to grow much faster than remaining mired in negativity. Only through a positive mindset combined with action can one move beyond adversity.
Be Your Best You
It is never too late to be the best you. All it takes is your commitment to grow and invest in yourself